Suburban Housing

The suburban housing crisis is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address effectively. EfficiencyProperties has been working with architects, engineers, contractors, manufactures, communities and governments to address potential strategies that should be considered to increase housing supply by encouraging the construction of new housing units in suburbs to meet the growing demand. We believe this can be achieved not just by zoning reforms, streamlined approval processes, and providing incentives to developers but also innovation and technology that can accelerate and fast track housing development.

Currently we are manufacturing MEDU’s (MODULAR EFFICIENCY DWELLING UNITS) which can be:

  1. Diversify Housing Options: Promote a mix of housing types, including affordable housing, townhouses, duplexes, and accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and (MEDU’s™) to cater to diverse needs and income levels within the community.
  2. Revitalize Existing Housing Stock: Invest in the rehabilitation of older homes and buildings to make them safe, energy-efficient, and affordable. This can involve providing financial incentives, low-interest loans, or tax credits to homeowners for renovation and maintenance.
  3. Encourage Mixed-use Development: Foster the creation of vibrant and walkable suburban communities by integrating residential areas with commercial, retail, and recreational spaces. This can reduce dependency on cars and create a sense of community.
  4. Improve Public Transportation: Enhance public transportation networks, including bus and train services, to connect suburbs with employment centers and other essential services. This can reduce commuting times and ease congestion.
  5. Promote Smart Growth Principles: Encourage sustainable development practices that prioritize efficient land use, preservation of green spaces, and the protection of natural resources. This can enhance the quality of life in suburban areas and reduce environmental impact.
  6. Foster Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborate with developers, nonprofits, and community organizations to leverage their expertise and resources in addressing the housing crisis. This can involve joint ventures, affordable housing programs, or public land development partnerships.
  7. Increase Density Near Transit Hubs: Focus on increasing housing density in areas around transit stations to encourage transit-oriented development. This can attract more people to use public transportation and reduce the demand for cars.
  8. Provide Affordable Housing Initiatives: Implement policies that require developers to include a percentage of affordable housing units in new developments or provide funding for affordable housing projects through public funds or impact fees.
  9. Address Regulatory Barriers: Identify and eliminate unnecessary regulations and barriers that hinder the development of housing in suburbs. This includes reviewing zoning codes, permit processes, and building regulations to streamline the development process.

It’s important to note that the suburban housing crisis is influenced by various regional factors, and the solutions may vary based on local conditions. Therefore, a comprehensive approach that considers the unique characteristics of each suburb is crucial for effectively addressing the housing crisis.